Underpinning Who we are

Our Values

At Paradise Charnock Hing, our firm is underpinned by our values: Excellence, Client First, Transparency and Communication.


We strive to achieve excellence in everything we do. We pride ourselves in being the best and achieving the outcome our clients are looking for. We want to be excellent. We want you to be excellent. We know that achieving excellence means exceptional outcomes for you.

Client First

Our clients are what drives us. Without them we would not exist. Every document we draft, every advice we provide and every decision we make is done in the context of our client. Our client is always in the room.

There is no template for the work we do. No case is the same, our solutions are tailored every single time. We put you first.


We are transparent, honest and authentic in everything we do. In a rapidly changing and highly curated environment, we challenge people to not only be transparent with others but also with themselves.

We think it’s absolutely crucial that we behave with integrity and hold ourselves accountable for the work that we do. You have access to everything we do for you. That’s the only way we can truly work with you.


Communication is key to our service delivery. The value of our work improves immensely when we communicate to our clients in a clear, concise and useful manner. Our platform means we are more available to you. You have access to the partners who are responsible for your work. We place emphasis on our communication because that is the key to the delivery of our outcomes.


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